Order = $order; if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') { // when AJAX request is made from jQuery, then create ajax variable, // so any logic based in it (like redirects) will not break down $_GET['ajax'] = 'yes'; } } /** * Set's prefix and special * * @param string $prefix * @param string $special * @access public */ public function Init($prefix, $special) { parent::Init($prefix, $special); $this->AddAllVars(); $this->specialsToRemove = $this->Get('remove_specials'); if ( $this->specialsToRemove ) { foreach ($this->specialsToRemove as $prefix_special => $flag) { if ( $flag && strpos($prefix_special, '.') === false ) { unset($this->specialsToRemove[$prefix_special]); trigger_error('Incorrect usage of "remove_specials[' . $prefix_special . ']" field (no special found)', E_USER_NOTICE); } } $this->_Params = $this->removeSpecials($this->_Params); } ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc', 0); } /** * Discovers unit form request and returns it's QueryString option on success * * @param string $prefix_special * * @return Array|bool * @access public */ public function discoverUnit($prefix_special) { list($prefix) = explode('.', $prefix_special); $query_string = $this->getQueryString($prefix); if ($query_string) { // only units with QueryString option can be discovered $this->discoveredUnits[$prefix_special] = $query_string; return $query_string; } unset( $this->discoveredUnits[$prefix] ); return false; } /** * Returns units, passed in request * * @param bool $prefix_special_only * @return Array * @access protected */ public function getDiscoveredUnits($prefix_special_only = true) { return $prefix_special_only ? array_keys( $this->discoveredUnits ) : $this->discoveredUnits; } /** * Returns QueryMap for requested unit config. * In case if unit config is a clone, then get parent item's (from prefix) config to create clone * * @param string $prefix * @return Array * @access protected */ protected function getQueryString($prefix) { $ret = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString', Array ()); if ( !$ret && preg_match('/(.*?)-(.*)/', $prefix, $regs) ) { // "#prefix" (new format), "prefix" (old format) return $this->_getQueryString('#' . $regs[2]); } return $ret; } /** * Returns query string (with safety check against missing prefixes) * * @param string $prefix * @return Array */ private function _getQueryString($prefix) { if ( $this->Application->prefixRegistred($prefix) ) { return $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString'); } return substr($prefix, 0, 1) == '#' ? $this->_getQueryString( substr($prefix, 1) ) : Array (); } /** * Removes specials from request * * @param Array $array * @return Array * @access protected */ protected function removeSpecials($array) { $ret = Array (); $removed = false; foreach ($this->specialsToRemove as $prefix_special => $flag) { if ( $flag ) { $removed = true; list ($prefix, $special) = explode('.', $prefix_special, 2); foreach ($array as $key => $val) { $new_key = preg_match("/^" . $prefix . "[._]{1}" . $special . "(.*)/", $key, $regs) ? $prefix . $regs[1] : $key; $ret[$new_key] = is_array($val) ? $this->removeSpecials($val) : $val; } } } return $removed ? $ret : $array; } /** * All all requested vars to * common storage place * * @access private */ function AddAllVars() { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->Order); $i++) { switch ( $this->Order[$i] ) { case 'G': $this->Get = $this->AddVars($_GET); if (array_key_exists('sid', $_GET)) { $this->_sidInQueryString = true; } $vars = $this->Application->processQueryString( $this->Get(ENV_VAR_NAME) ); if (array_key_exists('sid', $vars)) { // used by Session::GetPassedSIDValue $this->Get['sid'] = $vars['sid']; } $this->AddParams($vars); break; case 'P': $this->Post = $this->AddVars($_POST); $this->convertPostEvents(); $this->_processPostEnvVariables(); break; case 'C': $this->Cookie = $this->AddVars($_COOKIE); break; /*case 'E'; $this->Env = $this->AddVars($_ENV, false); //do not strip slashes! break; case 'S'; $this->Server = $this->AddVars($_SERVER, false); //do not strip slashes! break;*/ case 'F'; $this->convertFiles(); $this->Files = $this->MergeVars($_FILES, false); //do not strip slashes! break; } } } /** * Allow POST variables, that names were transformed by PHP ("." replaced with "_") to * override variables, that were virtually created through environment variable parsing * */ function _processPostEnvVariables() { $passed = $this->Get('passed'); if ( !$passed ) { return; } $passed = explode(',', $passed); foreach ($passed as $prefix_special) { if ( strpos($prefix_special, '.') === false ) { continue; } list ($prefix, $special) = explode('.', $prefix_special); $query_map = $this->getQueryString($prefix); $post_prefix_special = $prefix . '_' . $special; foreach ($query_map as $var_name) { if ( array_key_exists($post_prefix_special . '_' . $var_name, $this->Post) ) { $this->Set($prefix_special . '_' . $var_name, $this->Post[$post_prefix_special . '_' . $var_name]); } } } } function AfterInit() { $rewrite_url = $this->Get('_mod_rw_url_'); if ($this->Application->RewriteURLs() || $rewrite_url) { // maybe call onafterconfigread here $this->Application->UrlManager->initRewrite(); if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) { $this->Application->Debugger->profileStart('url_parsing', 'Parsing MOD_REWRITE url'); $this->Application->UrlManager->rewrite->parseRewriteURL(); $description = 'Parsing MOD_REWRITE url (template: ' . $this->Get('t') . ')'; $this->Application->Debugger->profileFinish('url_parsing', $description); } else { $this->Application->UrlManager->rewrite->parseRewriteURL(); } if ( !$rewrite_url && $this->rewriteRedirectRequired() ) { // rewrite url is missing (e.g. not a script from tools folder) $url_params = $this->getRedirectParams(); // no idea about how to check, that given template require category to be passed with it, so pass anyway $url_params['pass_category'] = 1; $url_params['response_code'] = 301; // Moved Permanently $this->Application->Redirect('', $url_params); } } else { $this->Application->VerifyThemeId(); $this->Application->VerifyLanguageId(); } } /** * Checks, that non-rewrite url was visited and it's automatic rewrite is required * * @return bool */ function rewriteRedirectRequired() { $redirect_conditions = Array ( !$this->IsHTTPSRedirect(), // not https <-> http redirect !$this->refererIsOurSite(), // referer doesn't match ssl path or non-ssl domain (same for site domains) !defined('GW_NOTIFY'), // not in payment gateway notification script preg_match('/[\/]{0,1}index.php[\/]{0,1}/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), // "index.php" was visited $this->Get('t') != 'index', // not on index page ); $perform_redirect = true; foreach ($redirect_conditions as $redirect_condition) { $perform_redirect = $perform_redirect && $redirect_condition; if (!$perform_redirect) { return false; } } return true; } /** * This is redirect from https to http or via versa * * @return bool */ function IsHTTPSRedirect() { $http_referer = array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : false; return ( ( PROTOCOL == 'https://' && preg_match('#http:\/\/#', $http_referer) ) || ( PROTOCOL == 'http://' && preg_match('#https:\/\/#', $http_referer) ) ); } /** * Checks, that referer is out site * * @return bool */ function refererIsOurSite() { if ( !array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER) ) { // no referer -> don't care what happens return false; } $site_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('SiteHelper'); /* @var $site_helper SiteHelper */ $found = false; $http_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; preg_match('/^(.*?):\/\/(.*?)(\/|$)/', $http_referer, $regs); // 1 - protocol, 2 - domain if ($regs[1] == 'https') { $found = $site_helper->getDomainByName('SSLUrl', $http_referer) > 0; if (!$found) { // check if referer starts with our ssl url $ssl_url = $this->Application->ConfigValue('SSL_URL'); $found = $ssl_url && preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($ssl_url, '/') . '/', $http_referer); } } else { $found = $site_helper->getDomainByName('DomainName', $regs[2]) > 0; if (!$found) { $found = $regs[2] == DOMAIN; } } return $found; } function convertFiles() { if ( !$_FILES ) { return ; } $tmp = Array (); $file_keys = Array ('error', 'name', 'size', 'tmp_name', 'type'); foreach ($_FILES as $file_name => $file_info) { if ( is_array($file_info['error']) ) { $tmp[$file_name] = $this->getArrayLevel($file_info['error'], $file_name); } else { $normal_files[$file_name] = $file_info; } } if ( !$tmp ) { return ; } $files = $_FILES; $_FILES = Array (); foreach ($tmp as $prefix => $prefix_files) { $anchor =& $_FILES; foreach ($prefix_files['keys'] as $key) { $anchor =& $anchor[$key]; } foreach ($prefix_files['value'] as $field_name) { unset($inner_anchor, $copy); $work_copy = $prefix_files['keys']; foreach ($file_keys as $file_key) { $inner_anchor =& $files[$prefix][$file_key]; if ( isset($copy) ) { $work_copy = $copy; } else { $copy = $work_copy; } array_shift($work_copy); foreach ($work_copy as $prefix_file_key) { $inner_anchor =& $inner_anchor[$prefix_file_key]; } $anchor[$field_name][$file_key] = $inner_anchor[$field_name]; } } } // keys: img_temp, 0, values: LocalPath, ThumbPath } function getArrayLevel(&$level, $prefix='') { $ret['keys'] = $prefix ? Array($prefix) : Array(); $ret['value'] = Array(); foreach($level as $level_key => $level_value) { if( is_array($level_value) ) { $ret['keys'][] = $level_key; $tmp = $this->getArrayLevel($level_value); $ret['keys'] = array_merge($ret['keys'], $tmp['keys']); $ret['value'] = array_merge($ret['value'], $tmp['value']); } else { $ret['value'][] = $level_key; } } return $ret; } /** * Overwrites GET events with POST events in case if they are set and not empty * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function convertPostEvents() { $events = $this->Get('events', Array ()); /* @var $events Array */ if ( is_array($events) ) { $events = array_filter($events); foreach ($events as $prefix_special => $event_name) { $this->Set($prefix_special . '_event', $event_name); } } } function finalizeParsing($passed = Array()) { if (!$passed) { return; } foreach ($passed as $passed_prefix) { $this->discoverUnit($passed_prefix); // from mod-rewrite url parsing } $this->Set('passed', implode(',', $this->getDiscoveredUnits())); } /** * Saves variables from array specified * into common variable storage place * * @param Array $array * @param bool $strip_slashes * @return Array * @access private */ function AddVars($array, $strip_slashes = true) { if ( $strip_slashes ) { $array = $this->StripSlashes($array); } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $this->Set($key, $value); } return $array; } function MergeVars($array, $strip_slashes = true) { if ( $strip_slashes ) { $array = $this->StripSlashes($array); } foreach ($array as $key => $value_array) { // $value_array is an array too $this->_Params = kUtil::array_merge_recursive($this->_Params, Array ($key => $value_array)); } return $array; } function StripSlashes($array) { static $magic_quotes = null; if (!isset($magic_quotes)) { $magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); } foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $array[$key] = $this->StripSlashes($value); } else { if ($magic_quotes) { $value = stripslashes($value); } if (!$this->Application->isAdmin) { $value = htmlspecialchars($value); } $array[$key] = $value; } } return $array; } /** * Returns all $_GET array excluding system parameters, that are not allowed to be passed through generated urls * * @param bool $access_error Method is called during no_permission, require login, session expiration link preparation * @return Array */ function getRedirectParams($access_error = false) { $vars = $this->Get; $unset_vars = Array (ENV_VAR_NAME, 'rewrite', '_mod_rw_url_', 'Action'); if (!$this->_sidInQueryString) { $unset_vars[] = 'sid'; } // remove system variables foreach ($unset_vars as $var_name) { if (array_key_exists($var_name, $vars)) { unset($vars[$var_name]); } } if ($access_error) { // place 1 of 2 (also in UsersEventHandler::OnSessionExpire) $vars = $this->_removePassThroughVariables($vars); } // transform arrays return $this->_transformArrays($vars); } /** * Removes all pass_though variables from redirect params * * @param Array $url_params * @return Array */ function _removePassThroughVariables($url_params) { $pass_through = array_key_exists('pass_through', $url_params) ? $url_params['pass_through'] : ''; if (!$pass_through) { return $url_params; } $pass_through = explode(',', $pass_through . ',pass_through'); foreach ($pass_through as $pass_through_var) { unset($url_params[$pass_through_var]); } $url_params['no_pass_through'] = 1; // this way kApplication::HREF won't add them again return $url_params; } function _transformArrays($array, $level_prefix = '') { $ret = Array (); foreach ($array as $var_name => $var_value) { $new_var_name = $level_prefix ? $level_prefix . '[' . $var_name . ']' : $var_name; if (is_array($var_value)) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $this->_transformArrays($var_value, $new_var_name)); } else { $ret[$new_var_name] = $var_value; } } return $ret; } function writeRequestLog($filename) { $log_file = (defined('RESTRICTED') ? RESTRICTED : FULL_PATH) . '/' . $filename; if ( is_writable(dirname($log_file)) ) { $fp = fopen($log_file, 'a'); if ( $fp ) { $session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $user_id = $session->GetField('PortalUserId'); $admin_mark = $this->Application->isAdmin ? 'ADMIN' : 'FRONT'; $data = '[' . date('D M d H:i:s Y') . '] ' . $admin_mark . '; ip: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '; user_id: ' . $user_id . '; sid: ' . $this->Application->GetSID() . '; request: ' . "\n"; if ( $this->Get ) { $data .= "_GET:\n" . print_r($this->Get, true); } if ( $this->Post ) { $data .= "_POST:\n" . print_r($this->Post, true); } if ( $this->Cookie ) { $data .= "_COOKIE:\n" . print_r($this->Cookie, true); } $data .= str_repeat('=', 100) . "\n"; fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); } else { trigger_error('Request Log directory not writable', E_USER_WARNING); } } else { trigger_error('Request Log directory not writable', E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Checks, that url is empty * * @return bool * @access public */ public function isEmptyUrl() { if ( $this->Application->RewriteURLs() ) { return !$this->Get('_mod_rw_url_'); } return !count($this->Get); } }